One step at a time

I’m baaaack! I think I am getting very consistent with my inconsistency, don’t you? I’ll put it on my to do list to get better at that. However, I have some updates from my last post and I hope it will encourage you to work on whatever you are working on right now.

When I wrote in June I wanted to set a routine, get healthy and exercise, and read my Bible daily. So let me update on how that’s going!

So I haven’t exactly set a routine that I stick with daily, but I have been trying to work on accomplishing certain things during the week and figuring out how to fit them in each day when the schedule feels like it’s constantly changing. When I decided to set a routine in the summer that was a big mistake because we all know summer doesn’t have a routine! I will say now that “fall” has arrived in all it’s sweaty non fall million degrees glory things are getting more into a routine. I am working on a cleaning schedule, a workout schedule, making sure I have my meals planned out etc etc. And yes, these are the things I consider a routine. What I am failing at is consistently reading my Bible and going to bed at a decent hour. I have no respect for bedtime and it shows at about 3:00PM every day when I tell little j I need to take a quick nap. I mean….one of these days I’m going to learn how to go to bed on time, I just can’t tell you when. I’m going to try tonight… I really am. For real. I mean it. I sort of mean it. Maybe 15 minutes earlier than normal, baby steps!

What I have succeeded at more is exercising and being healthy. I did a 21 day pretty extreme diet with clean eating and no sugar and let me tell ya, it sucked big time. Big time! I love eating and I love sugar and I genuinely didn’t think I could do it, but you know what I did and I felt great and I finally lost that “baby” weight from 4 years ago. It was such a great feeling to be able to succeed in that. I really thought I couldn’t do it and for the first few days it was hour by hour of telling myself that I was going to be fine if I didn’t eat what I wanted, but it eventually got better and I felt so accomplished. However, that is over and I’m back to eating normal food, but I am trying to find a better balance and will continue to do that.

I also joined the Y and I have really loved it. They have childcare which makes it possible to workout any time of day and I really have loved it. I go with my friend much of the time and that makes it even better! I have been doing yoga and while I am not so great at it I am improving and I really really love it! It’s a “fitness” yoga class so it’s a great workout and relaxing at the same time. And when I say not so great let me show you…I’m pretty sure this is how I looked the first class when she said “raise that right leg to the sky” this is what I did…

I was thinking in my head…is my leg even off the ground? Is it remotely close to the sky? Umm yeah it wasn’t. But NOW it looks like this…

Which is still not close to the sky! šŸ˜‚ But it’s CLOSER! What I’m getting at is we all start somewhere, don’t take yourself too seriously and just give it a try. I’m sure I am still pretty comical in the class, but no one cares and everyone is just doing their best and I feel pretty great. God only gives us one body and it’s our responsibility to take care of it. I’m far from perfect, but I’m working on it and that’s good enough for now!

The Bible reading is hopefully going to get better as the bedtime improves. And the bedtime IS going to improve. If I type it out enough maybe I will convince myself to go to bed on time. I’ll let you know!

Other fun things that have happened since I last wrote is a great trip to Alabama, an AWESOME 4 year old’s birthday party and the start of football season. I’m already working on my Christmas budget and excited to start all the fall activities, but careful to make sure I am being present each day.

If I could encourage you at all today to work toward your own goals it would be to start right this minute and don’t let failures or excuses get in your way. I have probably failed more than I have succeeded over the last few months, but that’s OK! I figure out what is not working and then get back on track, right that minute! Or ya know…sometime soon, maybe after I finish up my cookie.

I also want to say this to anyone who may need to hear it. Life is short and many people are hurting in many ways. If you see someone hurting please reach out to them and try to help. Let’s not get so caught up in our own goals and achievements that we overlook loving each other the way God loves us. That is always a higher priority than what we are trying to accomplish for ourselves. I have to remind myself of that constantly. I think once you have been on the receiving end of other people’s kindness it makes you more aware of your responsibility to others. I try to keep this verse in mind:

3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4


I need to write this out and be able to see it at all times so I don’t forget!

What are you working on? I want to know how other people’s goals are going!

Oh and j is now into telling jokes…like all day long she tells them and most of the time they don’t make a lick of sense but it’s still cute! However, the other night she made one that actually made some sense and made me laugh!

Knock knock

Who’s there?


Owl who?

Owl go to bed now

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I don’t know why that got me but it did! Maybe I need to tell myself that around 10:30 or 11:00 tonight!

Peace everyone! Have a great day and make someone else’s life better! šŸ˜˜

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