The New Year Grace Period

It’s a new year and that means all kinds of new possibilities! New goals, new aspirations, new adventures…and new ways to get completely overwhelmed!

If you are like most of America right now you probably find yourself knee deep in resolutions and elbow deep in a gallon of ice cream.

If this is you, don’t panic. You just haven’t heard of the New Years resolution grace period…it’s called January. I mean let’s get really real for a second. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to just come off of the holiday season (which for us means lots of traveling) and suddenly have my life completely put together and the motivation to make huge changes that I didn’t have the day before.

Our new year has been sandwiched by a stomach bug and strep throat and we are doing our best just to keep afloat much less change the world. I mean as of yesterday I had one roll of toilet paper in the entire house, so clearly I need at least a week to recover from Christmas and all the travel that includes.

Don’t get me wrong though, I am making goals and have actually started working toward them but I’m being realistic about what is likely to get accomplished and what needs to be put off for a bit. January is going to serve as my prep month. Decluttering, cleaning, organizing my house and my thoughts and just being present and enjoying.

My motto for the year is:

More of Less and Less of More

And every day I am going to repeat to myself.

When things get busy and I am thinking of all the things I need to do and my sweet precious baby girl is wanting to play with me I’m going to stop what I’m doing and play with her.

When stress and anxiety of all the things I can’t control start to overwhelm I’m going to trust in God’s plan and keep praying.

When my desire for stuff becomes all consuming I will remember how things don’t last but memories with loved ones do.

Sometimes I spend so much time focusing on what I want to accomplish and what lies ahead that I forget to look around and see life happening right in front of my eyes. Thankfully I can start working on that one right now.

Cut yourself some slack people and enjoy January. We’ll get to those resolutions when we get there.

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